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Automotive Testing Expo Indien 2023
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Automotive Testing Expo Indien 2023

Der Weg zu kürzeren Produktentwicklungszyklen, mehr Effizienz und besserer Lebensdauer beginnt mit Gantner Instruments auf der Automotive Testing Expo India 2023.

Indiens größte Test- und Entwicklungsmesse für die Automobilindustrie findet vom 18-20 April im Chennai Trade Centre Complex in Chennai, Indienstatt!

Your Golden Ticket to Interact with Our Equipment

We will showcase the three key building blocks of our Data Acquisition Solution in our Automotive Testing Expo booth. Our equipment will be running, allowing you to interact with it for a greater experience.
  1. Q.series X  – Data Acquisition Hardware
    • Gantner’s data acquisition modules provide accurate signal conditioning for a wide range of sensor types, supporting both conventional electrical sensors and fiber optic sensors.
  1. GI.bench – Data Acquisition Software
    • GI.bench is a state-of-the-art data acquisition software environment combining system setup and configuration and logging and monitoring multiple data streams in one easy-to-use desktop application.
  1. GI.connectivity – Open and Flexible Interfaces
    • GI.connectivity provides safe and reliable data exchange and interoperability through various read/write interfaces at the controller, PC, and cloud levels. GI.connectivity will transform your Q.series X system into the most open and flexible data acquisition and streaming platform.


Don’t miss our innovations!

Visit us at Booth 3115! We are happy to work with you to find the best data acquisition solution for your requirements.

Kontakt für Termine

Rajaram T R

Rajaram T R
Country Head – India

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie auf der Booth 3115.Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren, um ein Treffen im Voraus zu vereinbaren.



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