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Herzlich willkommen im Download-Bereich von Gantner Instruments – Ihrer primären Quelle für Produktdatenblätter, Handbücher, Leitfäden und hochmoderne Software wie GI.bench und test.con. Unsere Zielsetzung ist es, Ihre Erfahrungen mit unseren innovativen Lösungen zu bereichern und zu optimieren.


    Application Examples

    Looking for more download options? Check out our Application Examples.

    Gantner’s cutting-edge DAQ technology is trusted globally for applications in the mobility, aerospace, civil engineering, and energy sectors. Choose from the following industry examples to discover the most versatile DAQ on the market.

    Aircraft Component Structural Testing
    Nuclear Fusion Reactor Monitoring

    Measuring temperature in components of Hybrid Electric Drives

    For our client, a well-known German engineering and technology market leader, we delivered the testing application solution for temperature measurements of components and new materials of hybrid electrical drives.

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    access to every
    GI Application Example