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2023 年桦木工程与技术解决方案展览会
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2023 年桦木工程与技术解决方案展览会

GI Systems 将展示Gantner Instruments在核数据采集和状态监测应用中提供的成熟解决方案。

Birchwood Engineering & Technology Solutions Exhibition 2023

Join us for an exciting day of innovation and technological advancements at the Engineering & Technology Solutions Exhibition on May 10th, 2023, from 10:00 am – 2:30 pm, at the prestigious Birchwood Nuclear Hub in Warrington.
We are thrilled to announce that Gantner Instruments will showcase our industry-leading solutions in nuclear data acquisition and condition monitoring applications at the Birchwood Nuclear Exhibitions 2023. 
The Birchwood Engineering & Technology Solutions Exhibition is a must-attend event for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve in the engineering and technology industries.
Our proven solutions, including our world-class data acquisition systems, strain and temperature measurement solutions, and high-speed data loggers, will be on display for you to experience firsthand.
Our team of experts will be on hand to provide insights into the latest technological advancements in the field and answer any questions you may have. Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to optimize nuclear operations with Gantner Instruments’ reliable and accurate measurement solutions.
Contact us today to schedule a meeting or ask any questions. We look forward to seeing you at the Birchwood Nuclear Exhibitions 2023!


Contact us for questions or appointments at the show!

欢迎莅临我们的展台,让我们向您展示我们的创新产品如何帮助您实现目标。 我们迫不及待地想与您见面并了解您的项目。 请务必提前与我们预约会面,以获得更个性化的体验。

Rob Stockham

Rob Stockham
常务董事 – 甘纳仪器系统有限公司

我们我们期待与您见面. Don’t hesitate to 联系 提前与我们 提前预约。



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