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Aerospace Testing Symposium 2022
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Aerospace Testing Symposium 2022

Gantner Instruments will be sponsoring the Aerospace Testing Symposium, which takes place from September 27-28 at London Farnborough Airport, UK. Discover and demo our latest products, technology and solutions at Booth 7!

Why Gantner Instruments for aerospace testing applications?

At Gantner Instruments, we are dedicated to helping customers transition smoothly to a sustainable aviation future. We understand that aircraft components’ and systems’ validation and certification are expensive and time-consuming. The costs and risks involved are substantial, pressure for quick entry into service is high, while sensor density and data produced during a test program are increasing progressively. By developing intelligent, open architectures and using a modern business approach, Gantner Instruments provides unique data acquisition solutions for:

  • Engine Testing
  • Structural Testing
  • Environmental Testing
  • System Integration Testing

Every solution we suggest we can design and build for you in-house, giving you speed to market and minimal downtime on your project.

Want to know more?

Read more about how Gantner Instruments is supporting their customers in the transition to a sustainable aviation future, in our blog!

Contact for appointments

stephan ploegman

Stephan Ploegman

Stephan is looking forward to meeting you at Booth 7. Don’t hesitate to contact him or book a meeting in advance.

Book your slot now

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